NICL AO Interview pattern in last one week

18 march 2014

NICL AO Interviews are on full swing across various cities in India. After a small break of Holi in north India the process gets continued on Tuesday. In last one week thousands of candidates have been interviewed across India with the aim of finding the best among the lot. While the normal operating offices of NICL have been unaffected by the process, the Regional Offices Personnel Departments are fully mobilized exclusively for it. They are strictly instructed to keep an eye on the process in their regions. The Official of the Personnel Departments are instructed to make their presence in person throughout the day and are ordered to reach the interview venues one hour before the scheduled time for the candidates. Even the document verification work is to be done by the officers not the below the rank of AO.

As far as pattern for the interview is concerned, it is in line with what we have advised to our friends wherein we had suggested AO-generalists candidates to concentrate more on the GK and personal information aspects rather than the technical ones. For generalist candidates the focus is more on your personal achievements for last 2-3 years and previous work experience. Apart from that good amount of GK questions are also being asked with the present relevance. Chaining Questions like who is Anna Hazare, with which bill he is linked, what is Jan Lokpal bill are being asked. Similarly candidates were asked about in which state recently emergency was imposed, under which article the emergency can be imposed, who is Kejriwal, what is the name of the party which he has formed. Candidates with marketing backgrounds were asked to sell things similarly Pharma graduates were asked to advice the medicines for ailment with different symptoms. Candidates going for AO(IT) specialists were mainly asked the question related with their domain like defining and explaining WAN, LAN etc.

One of the most important development seen in this year’s interview process is inclusion of at least one female senior official in the interview panel to make sure that the female candidates feel more comfortable in facing interview. Another important trend of the interview is that the candidates are not given much time to think the answer and questions are bombarded on them like rapid fire round to see their quick decision making capacity. Hence all our friends are requested to be prepared in advance for some of the common question like introduction and reason for Gap after qualification. Soon we will upload the most frequent questions asked in this years interview.

Insurance Bharat wishes Best of Luck to all the candidates for their selection. Please note that Insurance Bharat is a small attempt to help our friends aspiring for administrative Officer Position in the GIC companies and is not linked with any organisation. Insurance Bharat is not a profit making body and it doesn’t ask for any kind of financial assistance from any individual/organisation. Students in their own interest are requested to contact the NICL office directly to get any clarification regarding NICL AO-2014 process.

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